Captivate Your Audience. Elevate Your Product, Brand, or Service.

Maeghan Dos Anjos

As an outdoor enthusiast, I am ready to face any challenge. My experiences on the trails taught me to go the extra mile—a mindset that allows me to write compelling copy.

Selected Work

Selected pieces showing my range in writing style and ability to cater to most industries.

Green Gardens-
Spec Ad

Tasked with creating a broadsheet for subdivision construction, I collaborated with a graphic designer. Given my construction experience, this particular project from my training interested me immediately. I drafted a few copy documents, and we discussed sketches. A first draft was completed, and we revised it until we were satisfied with the result.

Our commitment to this project was unwavering as we poured our dedicated efforts into it. After a few weeks of dedicated work, we achieved a significant milestone—the finalization of a document we are truly proud of. We stand by the quality and effectiveness of our delivery, and we are confident it will meet your expectations.

Are you a developer or a real estate agent who needs a copywriter to create a landing page on a website or print ads? Look no further than someone who has worked in construction in previous roles.

Brand Messaging

I can drive sales using targeting messaging by working within your preferred tone and voice.

Kensington Animal Shelter- Spec Ad

A spec ad is a non-commissioned piece for a portfolio. The goal for the Kensington Cat and Dog Home was to create an "About Us" landing page and a pop-up that would encourage donations. In addition, a pop-up was required to encourage subscriptions to a newsletter. The landing page is displayed to the left. Meanwhile, the pop-up is below. It is worth noting that the Kensington Cat and Dog Home is an imaginary organization.

Professional Experience

While transitioning to copywriting, I honed my skills in the environmental sector, diligently overseeing and enforcing environmental regulations. Through extensive experience, I expertly crafted compelling narratives for permit applications and issuances and meticulously prepared reports and documents. In addition, I have written educational materials and local regulations and policies discussing the importance of preserving our sensitive environmental areas and managing vulnerable stormwater infrastructure.


Get the Message to Your Audience: Copywriting 101

Expertly crafted advertisements cater to the desires and needs of your audience in a way that resonates with them and piques their interest.

coffee latte near white wireless keyboard and Apple EarPods on the table photography
coffee latte near white wireless keyboard and Apple EarPods on the table photography
Spread the Word About Your Service, Product, or Brand

Would you like to develop a marketing campaign using digital or print ads? Do you have a deadline and need to post an article to your blog or newsletter? I just wanted to let you know that I have you covered.

With over ten years of experience in the environmental and public sectors, I have developed unique skills for crafting language that speaks to any audience.


Pricing varies by project scope and type. However, I can work with your budget to provide a top-notch product that stands out from your competition.


I graduated from Framingham State University in 2010 and has been working in the environmental sector for over ten years. In 2024, she completed the Comprehensive Writing Academy. More information is provided for each educational experience. for each educational work.

Attending Framingham State University, though it was called Framingham State College during my time, I graduated Cum Laude. I recieved the highest GPA in my major and was placed on the President's List for being on the dean's list consistently. I ran the Green Team to which my legacy remains at the residential halls.

group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air

Framingham, Massachusetts, United States

The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy was developed by a professional copywriter with over 20 years of experience. I completed coursework in 2023, sparking my original passion: writing. My writing hand has never been more determined nor eager to see your project through.

blue click pen on top of gray book near clear drinking glass
blue click pen on top of gray book near clear drinking glass


Framingham State University
Comprehensive Writing Academy